Monday, June 14, 2010

Am I really doing this?


Apparently I've just started a blog. Really? I can't help but wonder if anyone -- maybe my family? -- will ever read this.

Blogs have always intrigued me...Who are the Bloggers? I've assumed forever that Those Who Blog are brilliant, articulate, fascinating, creative people who catch their readers' attention with their very first verse (follow Kelle Hampton for awesome photography and beautiful words; Please read her Birth Story of her daughter Nella). . . or with an awesome photo of their oh-so-cool dog. (Heather Armstrong )

What I've learned is that The Blogger isn't just a Guy. Or a Girl. Or a Dad or Poet. Or an Expectant Mother. Or a Co-worker. Bloggers are Storytellers. And we've all got a story worth telling.

I know I do.

I recently gave birth to quite a Story. His name is Patrick.

He is my most Amazing-Brave-Strong 5-month old baby boy who spent his first 120 days at Yale-New Haven Hospital fighting for his life ... And he won!

And, Patrick has got an older brother that keeps me hopping. Luke is my spirited, witty (and wordy!) 4 year-old who is full of questions, insight, humor, mischief, non-stop chatter and lots of wonder. [Here is Luke a few weeks ago on his 4th birthday, enjoying his favorite dinner: Scrambled Eggs & Bacon.]

I can't wait to share them with you.

Stay tuned.